Privacy Policy

Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD) is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting any personal information you share with us. You can visit our district and school websites without revealing personal information. In some cases, however, we may ask for personal information in order to provide the services you request. Such information will be used by SCUSD only to conduct official school business and will never be disseminated by SCUSD to any unaffiliated third party unless required by law or without your written permission. All of the information that we collect from you is subject to this Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. By using this site, you agree to be bound by these terms.

Student Privacy

SCUSD is committed to protecting the privacy of our students and their families. No personal information about students or their parents/guardians, including phone numbers, home addresses or email addresses, shall be published on SCUSD webpages.

Photographs of students shall be used only with written permission from the students’ parents/guardians collected annually as part of SCUSD’s Annual Parent and Student Rights Notification and Standards of Behavior Handbook.

Student work may be published on SCUSD websites provided that both the student and his/her parent/guardian provide written permission or the work is part of an existing publication such as a newspaper or school newsletter. See COM-F004 Digital Media/Photograph/Video/Internet Authorization Form.


If any copyrighted material is posted on a SCUSD website, the website shall include a notice crediting the original producer of the material and noting how and when permission to reprint the material was granted.

Submitting Information

Documents and other information transmitted through webforms, forums and other means on SCUSD websites cannot be guaranteed to be secure. SCUSD assumes no responsibility for the loss or disclosure of confidential or private information that you submit through SCUSD websites.

External Links

This site may contain links to other (external) sites. SCUSD is not responsible for the privacy policies or content provided by these websites.


Using Goggle Analytics we collect some anonymous information about how you use the site by setting and accessing cookies on your computer. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from the web site to your hard drive. We use both session ID cookies and persistent cookies. A session ID cookie terminates once you close the browser. A persistent cookie is stored on your hard drive for an extended period of time. The stored cookies will not allow us to learn any personally identifiable information that you have not otherwise disclosed. At no time will the cookies reveal to SCUSD or to others your name, email address, street address or telephone number. To learn more visit

Google Translate Tool

The translated tool linked in the header of SCUSD websites is a service provided by Google. It is featured as a resources for users. SCUSD is not responsible for the effectiveness of Google Translate. Visit to submit support requests directly to Google.


If users have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy and terms of use, please contact the district webmaster.

Options for Seriously Ill or Hospitalized Students

Students who are unable to attend school due to serious injury or illness for a period of three weeks or more may be provided home instruction. The student’s condition must be verified by a physician. Students with mental health conditions must present authorization from a physician and a treatment plan from their doctor. A student with a temporary physical, mental or emotional disability who is hospitalized or receiving care in a residential health facility, excluding state hospitals, for a determined amount of time may receive a plan from their therapist. A student with a temporary physical, mental or emotional disability who is hospitalized or receiving care in a residential health facility, excluding state hospitals, may receive individual instruction from the school district in which the facility is located. The family is responsible for notifying the school district about the student’s need for educational services. Contact our district’s Home-Hospital Liaison Nicole Castles at (916) 826-4379 to obtain information about eligibility and educational options. (EC § 48206.3-48208)